Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Makeover time !

Assalamualaikum . Anyeong . Ohaio .

Its makeover time ! bukan setakat blog , our bedroom pun dah berubah wajah ^-^
Suke suke suke ! Akhirnyaa~~~~ Habislahh , mesti penuh dgn Kpop/JPOP <3
Bilik kitorang Merah + Bloomish white . Mule-mule nak warna lain , last-last , pilih merah oren tu .
Nanti kalau dah decor lawa-lawa , I'll show you guys :) mwehehehe~

Next , blog pun dah ubah rupe sikit . ubah jadi kepada theme winter . December kan winter :)
Malaysia je yang sentiase summer ^-^ kesian blog ni . Selalu terabai sikit . Kadang-kadang malas nak meng-update . Mase tak tulis , punye lah banyak idea nak keluar . Bila dah adap mende alah ni , totally blank . puii -.-''

HAHA . tu je nak story . at least,ber-update lah jugak blog kawaii ni :p //kawaii ke ? -__-" . Aaaaaa , harini banyak download PV KAT-TUN . MV KPOP pun byk jugak . And download mv lagu Makova Poja :) kitorang bukan layan lagu KPOP/JPOP je tau , lagu Rusian & Sovenia pun best jugak ! Cube korang cekidauttt lagu due2 nie :D Okay , good nyte !

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Time is gold ! Semua berlalu dengan terlalu pantas .

Salam .
Harini , result PMR keluar . wow . memang rasa cuak lah budakbudak yg amek PMR kan ?
Aku tahun depan . Tahun depan tu bukannye lame lagi . lagi beberapa hari je lagi dah nak 2012 .
Masa berlalu dgn pantas .  Semua dah berubah . Macam macam berlaku dari tahun 2011 nak masuk ke 2012 . Semua tu dah dikire memory . 1 saat yg lepas pun memory taw ! //1 saat lepas , aku baru telan ayam.Ayam dlm perut tu memory ea ? xD .

Dekat Whoopers , ade ramai jugak yg ambik PMR . Jojo,Wana,Nurd,Nabilah and sape lagi yep , aku lupe ._. and Jojo dpt due bijik telur letak atas bwh . Terer lah Jojo ! Wana pun terer ! Korang yg dpt A tu sume , aku bangga dgr tau :) aku suke tgok kakak2 aku ni n berjaya and happy . And diorang jugak pembakar semangat aku untuk tahun depan ! hoyeah ! \('-')/

Kalau PMR dpt result best , boleh request something yang daebak kan ? HAHAH contoh macam Ticket concert KAT-TUN or others KPOP concert , esp KARA , T-ARA or SNSD . OMG . bilelahh eonni2 ni nak datang Malaysia ? .___.

K fine . Lupekan PMR . Jom cerita pasal The Hobbits pulak ! Yea ! sumpah excited ! Ni sambungan dari Lord of The Rings , cd cerita yang first aku kumpul with my bro . Ikat perut mase sekolah , korek duit syiling celah kerusi , buat kerja amal kat rumah nenek . HAHAHA hasil die , nie ha . Tige-tige cd Lord of the Rings kitorang ade !


Oh yeah ! The Hobbits ! perlu ditonton . Mengimbau zaman mase darjah 3 . Darjah 4 . Har har . Ingat lagi . My bro and me siap ade tempat rahsie name die , Gondor XD memang tyme tuu kalau tak ikut parents pergi kuliah agama , tgok LOTR . Mesti bile part perang serang-serang , kuat kan volume tv ! so , gempak ! mcm dkt wayang lahhh . konon . 

HAHAHAHAH . Seriously , aku macam jantan . suke cerita perang-perang . game perang-perang . lek arr . baru cool ! takkan nak kumpul barbie sepanjang zaman  kan ? lol -.- oke , go to the next story pulak !

Orite ! and the last thing nak cerita is ... Jin Tan Manis ! ehh , salah salah . Jin Akanishi ! hoyeah !
Ade rumor mengatekan , JinJin akan balik buat show same2 dgn Kat-tun mase Johny's Countdown 2011-2012 nanti ! OMG O__O"  That was a shocking news from akak Xie Xie Leelai ! Serious , kitorang Hyphens memang mengharapkan bende tu semua betul ! seriously ! Kitorang rindu JinJin nak samesame dgn KT . Nanti boleh tgok AKAME moments lagi , manela tau kan .
“A KAT-TUN/Jin reunion concert with absolutely no silence, no awkwardness, no censorship of words or scripts that must be followed. Just him, and them, together, singing, dancing, reminiscing the old times.”
Omg . Ayat ni buat aku rase mcm nak nangis TT^TT . Jintan manissss ! I miss KAT-TUN with Jin <3 Please make Hyphens wishes come true . Please make a special stage with KAT-TUN . Only you and KAT-TIUN ! please ! I miss BTR moments . I want AKAME moments againnnnn~~


Dear Bakanishi , dun go to L.A . Please stay at Japan .

{Tutorial} How to make Fan Fiction Cover (Photoscape)

Salam . Konichiwa . Anyeong !
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . Dah lame aku anak tirikan blog ni . kesian die . tak berupdate-update .
Ok . This post is my first post about TUTORIAL . HAHA . eden tak penah buat tuto . so,rase mcm blur + pening2 sikit. So , korang faham-faham lah ea tutorial aku ni.Kalau tidak,boleh tanye dekat komen tuu taw ^^ aku tak pandai nak buat tutorial ni sgt . tp pasal korang mintak , aku try lah dulu //jgn lupe kasi feedback tau ! XD . and tekan gmbr untuk tumbesaran yang sihat lagi macho .

Orite ! I wanna give u this fan fic cover tuto . Gomenasai fan fic cover . Let's learn how to do it !

First , bukak Photoscape korang . //kalau takdek,pegi download sekejap.
Pilih saiz canvas korang dulu . I choose 480X700

And then , import satu gambar yang korang nak . Contoh gambar aku , gambar abg Kame hot ! lol.

then , add kotak . Suke hati korang nak warne ape .

Atur kotak-kotak tu ikut kreativiti korang :)

Next,bila dah habis atur kotak2 tu , korang letak gambar character lain pulak :) Mine,NamJoo <3

Untuk tutup warne2 putih tuu , korang tekan colour picker and buat kotak tepi pic tu . send belakang jugak .

After that , untuk kemaskan yang kotak2 pink yg nmpk cacat ade tajam2 tu , korang cover dgn warne biru bwh tu tadi . buat satu2 la . perlu kesabaran . HAHA

Untuk buat garis putus2, tgok ni .

Lepas dah habis sume tu , korang letak lah ape2 yg korang nak tulis dekat cover tu . Letak lah name ff korang semua . 

Last sekali , bile save , akan pop-out box ni . Korang silelah tekan "no" .

Tadaaaaaaaa~~~ senang kan ? So , korang boleh buat cover fan fic yang lawa dekat photoscape jugak ! ^^ sape yang amik tuto , pandai2 lah credit-card ye :p

Act , aku malu nak buat tuto ni . Pasal ni cara kuno . Orang lain sume dah terer buat dekat adobe photoshop CS3,4,5 .Adobe eden dah tebang jauh ke Egypt~~ . Korang boleh lah try tuto ni ! tapi kalau nak crop gmbr , korang pegilah kat GIMP or Adobe . Ganbarre kudasai ne!

Friday, December 9, 2011

New FF ^^

Posted Image

yeah ! i make a new Fan Fiction . The title of the new ff is Gomenasai ^^
t.A.t.U's Gomenasai song inspire me to make that ff . A nice song that got deep meaning in it .
nak baca ff tekan butang PAUSE yang float tu :) FF ni special , korang boleh belajar bahase Jepun & Korea sekali . so , jemput baca ! ^x^

Hohohoho.I'm addict to Flumpool's songs now . Surprisingly , I like J-Rock now XD
but Fkumpool's song is not too rock act . it just because they r band,using those instrumental . So,it's categorize as J-Rock . Same likes Rock'A'Trench too .

And , I bought a Japanese Movie DVD yesterday ! Miura was the HERO <3
HAHA i know it's an old movie . but many people said that the movie is nice , so I grab it :)
and yeah , sangat merapu cerita Koizora : Sky of Love ni . Aku tergelak-gelak tengok .
Awal2 part diorang selalu call dlm phone tu ok tapi lame2 bile part yang ntah pape tu , mmg ntah pape la.Kelakar pasal cara diorang mcm bukan budak high school . Selamba je bwk anak dara org masuk bilik -__- fuuu~ Tapi ending sedih la . Ending die best :) Berjurai la kot air mate XD so , keseluruhan cerite ni : 7/10 ^^ //gomen miura >o<
Ending die :)

lalala~ dah pukul 5:38 a.m . Tak ngantok lansung , tak tau kenape . So , memang tak tidur la jawabnye smpi pagi ;D

Orite , nak gi layan 6Theory . Chow chin chaw chot chiaww~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kenape mereka lebih tua ?

Sape yang tua ? Tuu tuuu tuu ! yang kat atas tuu ! hihihihihi ^^
Kalau ikut turutan mula dari kanan , Ueda : 28 , Kame : 25 , Taguchi : 26 , Maru : 28 & Koki : 26 . 

sume average 25+ . Bile umur diorang makin meningkat //cehhh xD , perkataan GIRLFRIEND or SCANDAL mesti ade punye lahh ! //wachaaa ! *tibe2 keluar skill taekwondo tali oren* tak suke , tak suke :(
malam tadi punyelah mengumpat pasal diorang dgn my sis & others Malaysian Hyphen dkt KCS :D

Walaupun diorang sebenarnye memang dah layak ade , tapi fans still tak boleh terima :b HAHA 
for me , kalau diorang suke tu lebih muda or same umur dgn diorang takpe , ni takk , tengok lah taguchi ! gf die lagi tue 5 tahun dari die O_O omo ! //tapi tu dulu .. skrg tak taula diorang still cp lagi ke tak .

HAHA see that ? just what Xie Xies Leelai said , baka punye Junno , OBACHAN tuhh ~ >:[]

yang UEDA pulakk , org kate dgn yang berlakon dlm Samurai High School tuh , yang comel tuh . Pandai Ueda ngorat org comel comel :\ nahh , bacee , bacee lahh nii ->  <-

hwaa , taulah hang comel :(

and u guys know what , SNSD has called OUR KAME as THEIR PRINCE OF CHARMING . 
//ohh watt dee ...  Act , Im a SONE , but i cant accept when that HAPPENED ! hehehehe ^-^"
Andwae !  Esp when i read this on 6theory , < > , please johny , please . No ! Johny Ent forever and always BOYS ! thats why we love JE Boys .
Gambar dedolu . tak matang lagi XD

HAHAHA okey , im emotional here :b ape2 pun , news2 di atas mostly 2009 . Watever . Still cant accept it because rumor mcm Kame & Maru tu still terngiang2 lagi //mwehehehe~ Hopefully diorang tak tahan sampai skrg . Hish , dah la rumor Kame dgn Kyoko tuhh , lagi lahh eden tak terima ! Kyoko (40+) and Kame (20+) . Umur jauhh sangattt oke . Kame hanya sesuai untuk kami ;) //mwehehehehhe~ .

So , kenape mereka lebih tua dari saya ? >.< ohh tidakk , saya tak suka kalau bias saye tua , nanti saya mude mude laggi dah tengok gmbr bini merekaaa . Kalau mcm ni , saye lagi sanggup menggila dgn rookies pasal mereka umur dekat2 jee , takdelah beza umur sampai berbelas belas . kyaaa~~


Okey , dah , tu je . nak pegi layan lagu KAT-TUN sambil makan rambutan lagi best :9 . Sayonaraa~ //nyanyi ala2 Kanjani8 ~

Mood : Ohh my , cold rainy days !

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

KATTUN Birth & Star Rider PV released + Junno Birthday + Y.Gold Tour

Yeahh ! *jumpkamejump*
Birth PV already released last 2 days :D //excited ~!lambat gile aku buat post ni .
Pelik jugak pasal kate 30.11.11 . It's okay , keluar awal lagi bagus ^^ tp ade org kate PV tuh leak //ahh jinja ? gwenchanayo , dua hari lepas nye cte LOL .

Rambut Ueda , HAGE ! It's not Koki that HAGE now , it's UEDA ! Koki dah pegi Yun Nam Hair Care , dah lebat dah rambut die :) Uepi nampak matured o___o omo , no more princess Ueda ! //kekekeke .
Junno handsome ! Kame gile KAKOII ! Maru nmpk comel + great sgt :3 hee~ Check their PVs below :)

KAT-TUN reveal Star Rider PV jugak :) lagu background CM Suzuki Solio . Watch their great dance below!

and yesterday , it's Junno birthday ! Kyaaa ~ 
Ireguchi Deguchi TAGUCHI desu ! Tanjobi Omedeto ! Saengil Chukahae ! He's 26 now :D
Mianhae lambat wish :p //macam die tahuu -.-.I wish you will always keep your bright smile for the world :)
The dorky + baka is your charm :) 

Today , 30.11.11 , the ex member of KT //andwaeee ! kattun forever as adorable 6NIN haha gonna make his Yellow Gold Tour in US . Wish him the best ! Hope he'll do something epic there , kekeke :) Ganbate !
//lagu die , yellow gold - Jin Akanishi , best !

Lot of sleepy mood but still tons of loves ,
(because I just wake up and suddenly pop infront of the lappy)
-Heedida :)

Album KAT-TUN susah nak dapat :(

Nyan ! *coughkattuncough*
HAHA ape Kame tengok dekat muke Junno tuhh ?? //jerawat kot ._.

Ok , base on the title , memang susah betul nak cari album Kat-tun . Haritu memang nampak DVD concert KT dkt popular , tapi ingat memang tanak beli pasal kalau DVD concert , dengar dekat kereta pun nnti tak best sgt , psl bukan laguu , die show . Lainlah kalau ade tv dalam kereta aku . Tapi menyesal gile gile gile babeng pasal tak beli DVD KAT-TUN Break The Records Concert Live in Tokyo Dome tuhhh ! menyesal jual mahal ! rupenyer DVD tuh best gileee ! ciss bedebahh ! XD memang hari rabu ni , Meera , Kyra , Yenney , Seri and others pegi term ! aku nakk ikutt ! nak beli DVD tuh balik ! tapi mama tak kasiii :(

Hari Sabtu haritu , kakak message eden .

Me : Ok :p
Kakak : Ni mama ke adik ?
Me : Ni anak bongsu mama , gf kpd junno , bini kpd kame , scandal jin , sepupu uepi , adik bakamaru (adik ipar) and kwn baik koki :)
Kakak : oh ok , bini Nakamaru nak balik ni . Nanti kalau sempat kakak sggh term beli BTR .

HAHA lebih kurang mcm tu lahh . Tapi tak sempat nak gi beli pun pasal nak balik cepat , petang tu kan kene baca doa akhir tahun  , Maal Hijrah :) //selamat menyambut Maal Hijrah :D. takpe , next time pegi cubelah tgk lagi ! harap2 adee :DD

Mase hari Ahad , pegi Giant Senawang . Ape lagi , terjah Speedy .
Cari punye cari , takde jugakkkkk . Yang byk cd Kpop ! //rambang mata o_o
At last , beli DVD SNSD xD //byk gile laguu ! <3 . So , memang takde chemistry lansung ke hah eden dgn album KT ? wulalalallala~~~ //terkesima .

Monday, November 21, 2011

The infamous KAT-TUN captivate me
// woot woot

oh no ! KAT-TUN seducing me HAHAHA XD //poyoo nyaa XD
Actually , budak ini kene sengat dengan JPOP artist . No doubt , she's really a DIE-HARD-FAN of KAT-TUN now //really ?! daebakk o_o  . I'm a HYPHEN now ! //clapclapclap

How come I can stuck with KAT-TUN ? eojjeoda ?
It's start when I watched Gokusen 2 . Seriously , Jin & Kame are too hot to handle there :p
kekeke . It's also started from my sis . If she didnt tell me about Cartoon Kat-tun show , I'll never know that they are soooooo adorable + funny + kakoii + kawaii ^_^ 

Who's my bias in Kat-tun ?
Of course AKAME Kamenashi Kazuya :D the kind member which Jin cant bully him like he bully Nakamaru XD

I ship them alot !
Who ? of course AKAME <3 (Akanishi + Kamenashi) sometimes I lol a lot cuz Jin always take care of kame ;p There were rumor said that Jin leave Kat-Tun because his relationship has "been getting worse over the years with KATTUN, especially with Kamenashi Kazuya, it is as if their relationship is so broken that it cannot be fixed". LOLOLOL . Act , I trusted it when I read this before . But . Jin said that he never butthurt with others members . Of course , esp Kame . So , that's kinda sad (really really sad act) when Hyphens cant see any AKAME moments anymore now :(

KAT-TUN without Jin… c. Here’s what Akanishi Jin wrote in his Manual before leaving :
“Hello everyone it’s been long, I am Akanishi.

After finishing LA’s live, 
I am now preparing for the America’s tour
Am making new songs now.

I think everyone probably already know

This time round, I am proceeding to go solo.
If there is something to be said, it is that the direction is different.

Definitely not because I hate the members,
or that there are conflicts in our relationships or anything like that.
Everyone please be rest assured (laughs)
I like everyone.

About KAT-TUN, regarding small or big matters,

I have given a lot of trouble up till now,
sorry, thank you.
And it has been fun ( I have been happy ) *can be both ways

No matter what, allowing the supporting fans

to feel confused about these,
I am deeply sorry, 

Well, everyone.

Although the atmosphere seems like everything is ending
But this does not mean I will stop activities, 
Basically everything up still now is not going to change.

Singing, Acting and dance would all continue.

Just that to myself, it is like the concert in LA

If in the future, i could have activities in America, Asia, Europe etc
all sort of countries, it would be good.
Of course, I would want to have more activities in Japan as well, I humbly ask for your care and favour.

Please take care of me. (Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu)

Akanishi Jin”
So , it was his choice and now he's also success in L.A and gonna make Yellow Gold Tour this 30th Nov . GANBATTE ! //tsk tsk TT___TT . I cant imagine how Kame felt when Jin's gonna leave KAT-TUN . But now , KATTUN and Jin Akanishi already continuing their works successfully . I miss Kattun with Jin sooo much !

so , dont let your eyes teary . Let me recommend you some KAT-TUN funny cuts :D

Danger Danger BAKANISHI

Jin was jealous XD

and more funny moments in Cartoon KAT-TUN show ! A must-watch show ! :D pyongg~ See ya ! ^.-
//i think this is the longest post i've made XD

Akame's Die Hard Fan

Friday, November 11, 2011


 Im trying supporting T-ARA Cry Cry on MNET . But , all is in Korean . SO , IM BLANK 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cry Cry Lyrics [ Romanized & Hangul ]


Boram | Qri | Soyeon | Eunjung | Hyomin | Hwayoung | Jiyeon

NOTE: These are the UNOFFICIAL lyrics, the official lyrics aren’t out yet.

{ Romanized }

saebbal gan jangmi cheoreom
kaji gateun mallo nal jjireun neo
neom machi munshin cheoreom
ji uryeo halsu eobtge paeyeo

Cry Cry Can’t you see the music?
bul kkok cheoreom, tteugeobge You are my boy

Baby can’t you see the look in my eyes?
seulpeume bbajin nae du nuneul bwa, Oh Oh
bulgeun taeyang boda deo tteugeobge
sarang haetdeon nareul ullijima

Hey, T-ara

saebbal gan jangmi cheoreom
kaji gateun mallo nal jjireun neo, Oh Oh
neom machi munshin cheoreom
ji uryeo halsu eobtge paeyeo

Cry Cry Can’t you see the music?
bul kkok cheoreom, tteugeobge You are my boy

Baby can’t you see the look in my eyes?
seulpeume bbajin nae du nuneul bwa, Oh Oh
bulgeun taeyang boda deo tteugeobge
sarang haetdeon nareul ullijima, Ah Ah

Let’s go
Break it, Come on come on yo
Break it, Come on come on yo
Take it, Come on come on come on

T-ARA Time to Love

nan jungdok dwen geot cheoreom
geuri wo hago tto geuri wo hae
neon machi gam ok cheoreom
ni ane nal gadwo beoryeot na bwa

Cry Cry Can’t you see the music?
bulkkok cheoreom tteugeobge You are my boy

Baby can’t you see the look in my eyes?
seulpeume bbajin nae du nuneul bwa, Oh Oh
bulgeun taeyang boda deo tteugeobge
sarang haetdeon nareul ullijima, Ah Ah

Let’s go
Ah Ah, Yeah
Let’s dance

Baby can’t you see the look in my eyes?
seulpeume bbajin nae du nuneul bwa, Oh Oh
bulgeun taeyang boda deo tteugeobge
sarang haetdeon nareul ullijima, Ah Ah

Let’s go
Brake it, Come on come on yo
Brake it, Come on come on yo
Take it, Come on come on come on

T-ARA Time to Love

Baby can’t you see the look in my eyes?
seulpeume bbajin nae du nuneul bwa, Oh Oh
bulgeun taeyang boda deo tteugeobge
sarang haetdeon nareul ullijima

{ Hangul }

새빨간 장미처럼
가시같은 말로 날찌른너
넌마치 문신처럼 지우려할 수 없게 패여

crycry can’t you see the music
불꽃처럼 뜨겁게 you are my boy

baby can’t you see the look at my eyes
슬픔에 빠진 내 두 눈을 봐 ohoh
붉은 태양보다 더 뜨겁게
사랑했던 나를 울리지마

hey T-ara

새빨간 장미처럼
가시같은 말로 날찌른너
넌마치 문신처럼 지우려 할 수 없게 패여

crycry can’t you see the music
불꽃처럼 뜨겁게 you are my boy

baby can’t you see the look at my eyes
슬픔에 빠진 내 두 눈을 봐 ohoh
붉은 태양보다 더 뜨겁게 사랑했던 나를 울리지마

Let’s go
brake it come on come on yo
brake it come on come on yo
take it come on come on come on

난 중독된것처럼
그리워하고 또 그리워해
넌 마치 감옥처럼
니안에 날 가둬버렸나봐

crycry can’t you see the music
불꽃처럼 뜨겁게 you are my boy

baby can’t you see the look at my eyes
슬픔에빠진 내 두눈을봐ohoh
붉은태양보다더뜨겁게 사랑했던 나를 울리지마

let’s go
let’s dance

baby can’t you see the look at my eyes
슬픔에빠진 내 두눈을봐ohoh
붉은태양보다더뜨겁게 사랑했던 나를 울리지마

Let’s go
brake it come on come on yo
brake it come on come on yo
take it come on come on come on

baby can’t you see the look at my eyes
슬픔에빠진 내 두눈을봐ohoh
붉은태양보다더뜨겁게 사랑했던 나를 울리지마

Credits :

I'm Back ! :D

Ding Dong Ding Dong ~ Heyy~
im back ! HAHA lol . Back from hiatus . Kekeke . Im watching J-Drama a lot ! finishing every each of them patiently . But , all the dorama(s) are sooooo interesting ! and it gaining my bias list now ! HAHA . Mei-chan No Shitsuji , Gokusen 1,2 and 3, Atashinchi No Danshi and Samurai High School  is a must watch dorama :)

Btw , T-ARA made a new comeback ! Cry cry ~ cant u see the music~~check out below !

A great 15:00 min MV with awesome storyline . DAEBAK ! im proud being a diadems <33
Jiyeon acting is so good . Cant wait for the second part of cry cry , Lovey Dovey . It's sound catchy~
This is an old kpop that we keep waiting for ! a MV with storyline :D //sometimes i'm feel boring with MV full of dance ==" . Kyaa~ Qri , Eunjung , Hyomin and Jiyeon <333

You guys can download the Cry Cry MP3 here :)

Lets wait for their comeback on Music Bank and Inkigayo next week ! T-ARA go go go ! ^.-

Monday, October 31, 2011

Budak kecikk ... =="

//aku suke tengok Mason comel , tapi benci bile die mengade-ngade dalam T-ara Hello Baby =="

hee~ act , tadi adik sedare aku baru balik . Comel . tapi ........ AHHHHH~~~rase nakk gigit  pun ade jugak =="hahaha , takdelah , main2 je . Mule mule die buat muka malu taik kuceng , pastu bile gurauguau deshu2 pistol , die bkn je makin datang dekat , die mula meng-investigate bilik aku ade mainan ke tidok //adoii , budak form2 nih da tade mainan lagi dah laa . Pastu aku bukak lah game kat lappy . Dia main game dekat y8 and apetah . Aku mula2 bukakkan utube , suruh die tgok Spongebob senyap2 dalam bilik , aku nak buat air :) //bagus kan anak dara ni ? ^^ tapi , dia nak main game . pastu aku pun bukaklah game jln2 pastu bom kan jalan yang tersekat . Pastu , aku ingat dah boleh buat air panas dengan aman , jeng3 , dia datang dapur , "akakk , orang kita mati kene bom tu " ahhhhh~ aku terpaksa berlari untuk replay balik game tuh . Pastu sambung hidang air and mknn . Then , "akakkk , orang tu mati lagi , kene bom " HAHAHA aku pun sabar dan bukak game dress up . 

// ni hasil dress up game yang dia main tuh . Pandai pulak die pilih baju lawa lawa  :)

Sambil game tu loading dengan lambat //banyak sangat game die nak bukak , aku bukak lah MV Dont Touch My Girl-Boyfriend pasal tu satusatu nye MV yang ade dlm lappy aku . Dia senyap je . Pastu bile part Youngmin , die telan air liur //HAHAH xD handsome sangat ke sampai hang gitu skali xD .

Then , die tak bagi bukak lagi , die tak suke rupenye //ciss~.~ . Bile dah main , main dan main , nenek dia ajak balik :) <-- senyuman keriangan terpancar kat muka aku dalam bilik . Andddd , dia nangis meraung2 tanak balik , nak main game ! die sampai menangkup2 kat depan rumah pasal tak nak balik . Kuat pulak tuh . Haha , aku rasa macam nak gigit je pipi die yang tak lah tembam pun pasal dia kurus . So , aku rasa , nasib baik aku takde adik . Kalau tak ... huahhhhh~~ Kakak die jadi monster paling ganas di duniaaaaa~~ xDD

p/s : semalam aku buat GIF ! fest time weyy ! fest time !!! :DD *excited*

 // first , GIF miura !! <33 Tak payah minum green tea , tgok smile die pun dah fresh xD
 // sec , GIF jiyeonn ! <33 ade dua version :) aku buat jd avatar dkt 6theory :)

Orite ^.- aku on balik hai khamis ! hari terkahir memperjuangkann diri di medan perang setelah mengulangkaji pelajaran selama 3 minggu lebih ! :D *hwaiting!*