Tadi tgok stats . Pastu bile tgok , terkejut ade Akanishi Jin Hot O.o HAHAHA JOTA (Y)
Birthday game pun ade . lol . Pasal dulu penah buat yang birthday game SJ and Big Bang ^^
Park Ji Hyun and Park Hyung Seok ! wow *O* I ship them . and I miss them . My fav ulzzang . Tu je yang aku ikut . Pasal diorang sesuai :3 lol alasan aku -.-'' HAHA . And lastly , Go Hara . wowow ! aku rase jarang aku tulis psl Hara kat sini . Tapi ade dlm search keyword lah .__.'' fuyyoo~!
Oh ye . HEHEHE . Tgok banner KCS . I made that banner ^-^
Gomen kalau tak berapa cun psl tak gune Photoshop >.<
Thanx akak2 at KCS . And Im waiting for my "sampul raya" :D thnx again *bow*
Welcome to WHOOPERS Poster Shop ! We are poster maker . Here you can request awesome and adorable poster cover for your fan fic . And we do it for FREE :) Me, admin Kim Heedida is one of the designers there ^^ all of the designers's designs are sooo good . Check out our page HERE . Dun forget to read the rules first !
Oh yeah , these are some of my fan fic designs :)
Dont copy or steal my artwork kay ! Haram . Hope you guys like our artworks . Kbyee . Chow~
Nak tau tak , setelah penat ber"FUN" dengan geng2 APPLE , tergerak hati nak buat entry baru.
Tgok dashboard nampak contest ni *O* setelah berkurun tak join contest , aku pun nak join lah .
Contest ni Cik Husna Cik Korea buat :) blog die biru , comel jeaa *O*
Walaupun blog saye tak se-ohsem mane sangat , tapi I think I do my best to make it ohsem ! ^^
Ohh ye , kene tag orang kan ? nak tag GENG2 APPLE lahh . Lina si bini Jae and Ravin skali :)
Macam macam baru . HAHA . gelak kejap tgok title tuu XD
Eh jap ! korang tau tak perasaan yang bile korang ade idea nak tulis mcm2 dlm blog tapi bile korang tgh type dkt kotak new post ni , korang blank ? ._. aaaaaaaa aku blank tibe tibe je ni .____.
Ok.Abaikan kes parah tu sekejap. Aaaa, KAT-TUN keluar lagu baru ! ROCK ! Lock On !
Nak dengar ? nah . Dengar la , rock ._. fest time dgr , aku mcm "aaaa rocknye .__." . lame lame dgr , ehh best pulak XD dengar suare Kame yang serak serak basah lagi hot *O* OMG OMG . HAHA .
Aku rase lagu ni leaked lah . Ni untuk album CHAIN . tapi album CHAIN keluar bulan Feb .__. aaa takpe , dengar je ^^
Next , Jin-kun dah released Sun Burns Down Official Music Video . Oh seperti biase , ade perempuan . HAHAHA . Oh sejujurnya saye ckp , saye tak suke lagu2 omputeh Jin .__. *jujurnye*
Lagulagu dekat concert die best2 ! tapi bile yang main untuk MV , mesti tak best . LOL . *kejam*
Korang tengok lah sendiri . Oh ye , btw , MV ni lagi ok dari Test Drive ^^" HAHA ape aku jujur+kejam malam ni ? >< gomen Akanishi Jin . lalala~~
Next lagi ape yang baru ? Oh ye , tadi hantar pic banner forum KCS (KAT-TUN & AKANISHi JIN MALAYSIA) . Harap harap terpilih *O* tapi kenape aku rase tak lawa sgt ? wuuu TT^TT
Akak cherryblossom, i hope u choose mine ^^ ngeeeeee~~
Korang rase oke ke ? .__.
Lastly , ade banyak gile gambar T-ARA dari MV Lovey Dovey in Tokyo aku buat *O* Aku sayang gile gile T-ARA <3 I hope t-ara datang sini tahun ni . Eh3 , tahun depan lah ! tahun ni ade exam , jgn dtg XD ngee ~ Rate and comment please ^^ //lol.padahal aku sendiri tak tau cane nak komen kat blog aku ni -.-''
Jangan ambik tanpe kebenaran atau credits . HARAM . penat tau buat -.-'' Ade lagi . Nanti upload lagi . Ngantuk gileee . Kbye . dah pukul 4.40 a.m @_@
"Nature is full of infinite causes that have never occurred in experience" - Leonardo Da Vinci
7 wonders of the world are one of the article that I always wait every year . I love to see the wonders of the world . The awesome nature . The amazing structure which was build before I born . And yeah , I'll show you only 4 out of 7 tonight cuz Im kinda sleepy now ;~; Lets check it out below !
The Iguazu Falls, situated on a river of the same name in Argentina, spans the border between that country and Brazil. The falls itself, at 80 meters in height and 3 km wide, is an ensemble of numerous cascades and a surrounding vast canopy of subtropical rainforest. Popular tourist activities include boating, fishing, cruising and hiking.
2.Puerto Princesa Underground River, Philippines
A popular tourist destination, the 5 mile long (8.2 km) Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on Dec. 4, 1999, for its ecological value. In addition, it features a limestone formation and an underground river that is reputed to be the longest navigable such river in the world.
3. Halong Bay, Vietnam
A UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination in Vietnam, Halong Bay is definitely a natural wonder. The evolution of limestone rocks in the bay illustrates the environmental impact of the tropical wet climate.
4.Jeju Island , South Korea
Jeju Island, or Cheju Island, a part of South Korea, is a popular romantic destination. The island is often described by one of two terms - "three abundance", referring to three abundantly found things on the island, i.e. rocks, wind and women; and "three non-existent", referring to the lack of crimes, the idea of gated residences and beggars.
wow ! those place is totally great ! I wish I can go there one day . I really really wanna go to Grand Canyon or Machu Pichu . Tsk tsk , somebody , please take me there ~~~ ngeeeeeeeeee~
Orite , that's all for today ! nite nite <3
Jojo suka Kame & Jin ! Omg ! JOJO ! I'm really really happy when I know someone from Whoopers like KAT-TUN TT^TT Please addict with them . Once you know them , u'll love them . trust me ^^ hehehe